photo by Tim Merry
A Language of Powers of Place Field of Study and Practice
Fundamental to any field of study and practice is finding
a shared language of key ideas and concepts. We have heard
the following words and phrases to be a natural part of an
initial language of the emerging field of powers of place.
Feel free to suggest additional terminology as well as reflections
on what you see here that would clarify and elaborate meanings.
This list is a simple beginning. It will grow and change
as more colleagues become involved with the Powers of Place
ART OF HOSTING: An emerging set of practices for facilitating
group conversations of all sizes, supported by principles
that: maximize collective intelligence; welcome and listen
to diverse viewpoints; maximize participant and civility;
and transform conflict into creative cooperation.
BUILT ENVIRONMENT: Physical structures or arrangement of
materials in a natural setting that are constructed or composed
by man.
COLLECTIVE RESONANCE: Collective Resonance is a felt sense
of energy rhythm, or intuitive knowing that occurs in a group
of human beings and positively affects the way they interact
toward a common purpose. It is not created by human beings,
rather, it emerges when they tap into an underlying unity,
coherence, and order. It can be felt as a physical level
of connection, facilitated by vibrational exchange that operates
constantly whether or not we are communicating verbally or
are even aware of its existence. It conforms to the laws
of physics, among other things.
COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE: “Communities of practice are groups
of people who share a concern or a passion for something
they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.”
- Etienne Wenger
Paraphrasing now… Three characteristics are crucial to a
community of practice: - the domain of interest
- the quality of relationships that make it a community
- the practice, or shared repertoire of resources
CONVENER: A person or persons who gathers together a group
usually with a identified purpose; to call or to cause to
come together formally; to convoke; from root words for “to
CONNECTOR: (from Wikipedia) Connectors are people in a community
who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit
of making introductions. A connector is essentially the social
equivalent of a computer network hub.
Connectors usually know people across an array of social, cultural, professional, and economic circles, and make a habit of introducing people who work or live in different circles.
Although connectors are rare—only one in several thousand
people might be thought of as a true connector—they are,
like mavens and salesmen, very important in the healthy function
of civil society and business.
continued on glossary page 2