The Green School Effect: An Exploration of Place, Space and Environment on Teaching and Learning
Marian Hazzard, M.Ed, & Edmund Hazzard, M. Arch, M.A.T., with Sheryl Erickson
Powers of Place Initiative encourages and supports seminal
research into a variety of areas related to right relationship
between people and place.
At left is a list of some studies already underway.
Upon completion, the results of these studies will be posted
in the Studies and Papers
Here's a little more information about them:
The Green School Effect: An Exploration of Place, Space and Environment on Teaching and Learning
Green School, Bali, Indonesia
Marian Hazzard, M.Ed.
and Edmund Hazzard, M.Arch., M.A.T., with Sheryl Erickson
This is a phenomenological research study on behalf of the Powers of Place Initiative
in partnership with the the Green School in Bali-Indonesia. It will
be a qualitative study including observations, interviews
and exploration of the reciprocal relationship of place,
space and environment on the educational experience of children
and families. There will be an emphasis on the interface
between built and natural environment and developing young
people for leadership for sustainability in the next generation.
Outcomes of the research will consist of a report, data for
potential articles for public conversation, short media pieces,
stories and narrative.